Today's blog, however, is not about food. Instead, I want to gripe about my experience at the movies today. Xuane and I awoke to a rainy, cold, Polish afternoon and decided to skip the National Museum to go see District 9. I really wanted to see Zombieland, but this is Poland so you take what you can get. One cool thing about the theaters here is that they serve booze at a fairly normal price. I am a full fledged fan of popcorn and soda (I don't like to eat the popcorn), but I can think of times it would be cool to have a beer. Today's choice: Sprite, caramel covered popcorn, and assorted Haribo gummies.
Now, let's start with the previews. Saw VI is on it's way. Um, can somebody please kill the cash cow already? Honestly, what is wrong with people today? Those movies aren't scary they are just gore fests. I can see having a small market of those kinds of movies, but 6 of the same terrible plot!? Do these people not realize what is happening to them? Have they never heard of a capitalist market? Not to mention most "scary movies" like the Saw empire are exactly the same. Someone has to account for taste. This needs to stop. I could go on a similar rant about the Final Destination movies. I get it. The guy is cursed and instead of him dying all his friends die in abnormal ways. Good, one more reason for me to be afraid of the world around me and the life I'm living.
2012, I wish the media would leave this one alone. It's going to turn into the 1999/2000 fiasco where paranoid people start freaking out. People that tell me information about the world coming to an end when there is nothing I can do about it drive me nuts. Why would I want to know that Yellowstone is a super volcano that is long over due to erupt, and if it does most of the people on earth will die? Or, the poles are 1000 years over due to shift. If that's the case, I'm constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's a thrill that I can live without.
Finally, District 9. Oh man, I wanted to go to sleep in this movie, but my chair wasn't comfortable enough and I was on a sugar high. I didn't realize that aliens understood English without speaking it, and that people from South Africa could understand alien language without speaking it. Hey writers, that doesn't make any sense. I personally have no idea what the aliens said because it was all in Polish subtitles. This baffles me because if Tom Cruise can play an English speaking Nazi with no accent why couldn't the aliens speak English? Is it more believable that 2 different species can communicate with each other perfectly without ever using a symbol, hand gesture, or common form of language? I know it's a movie, but I just want them to try a little if I'm going to spend $9 on it.
What I hated the most by far was the figurative elbow that I felt in my side from the writers whispering, "Get it? It's about the apartheid and racism." It was so obvious that this is what they were getting at that they might as well just flashed it up on the screen before the movie started. Then, to add insult to injury, they put the setting in Johannesburg. Really!? They turned the native Africans into racists. As if those people didn't suffer enough going through it themselves. They make this movie that basically says, "Hey, don't forget how easy it is to be racist." No duh. No one should waste their time or money on this 2 hours of a reminder that some people are straight up stupid. But, that's just my opinion. I don't know what the aliens said. There could have been some key information. I think I got it, but I'm willing to debate the facts if their are any disputes of this opinion.
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