That being said, I really enjoy artistic endeavors. At best, I can watch true creative genius at work. At worst, I can steal there ideas and morph them into something I can put my name on and seem psuedo-chic. It doesn't make me special, but at least I'm not boring.
Today's blog is my attempt to creatively express myself by admiring the fine work of brilliant artists. This is important for me because I'm learning about who I am whilst in Poland. I'm thinking about making these reoccuring subjects on this blog so please let me know if any of this is interesting to you, my followers and my readers. My creative expression will be presented in three sub-headings: 1. What I want when I grow up, 2. Eat what I eat, and 3. True Aptitude.
What I Want When I Grow Up
It can be argued that at the age of 25 and moving rapidly towards the age of 26 that I am a grown up. I'm going to disagree with that argument and state my case as being childish from lack of responsibility. When I return home and get a job, get an apartment, get a future, get bills, get a boyfriend, get married, have kids, etc. This is when I turn into a grown up. I would agree, however, that these things take time. I'm looking forward to a lovely transition from now to a stage where I can look around, pat myself on the back, and say, "good job". Therefore, I'm compiling a list of things that I want in that future. Since I have been trying to declutter my brain of my material possesions, this list will be my new defining properties. Here is the list so far:
1. A room with nothing in it except a chair. This will be the thinking room. It's brilliant. Nothing to distract me and anyone else who needs a break from overwhelming distractions in the everyday world. No music, no pictures, no discussion, no color, nothing.
2. A guerrilla garden. A space that is reimagined and reconstructed to become a garden. This innovation is an encouragement for everyone to reimagine the world around them.
That's all for now, but I'll keep working on it.
Eat What I Eat
Today I made this for breakfast. My room mate liked it so much she wanted me to take a picture of it. As I was making it I thought of the breakfasts that I consumed in the U.S. and thought to myself no wonder I was a fatty. Which made me think maybe I should share my skills now instead of waiting until I get back. So, this is a pretty simple breakfast fix. This has mayo on it, which is fine, but of course I recommend cream cheese. I couldn't figure out which cheese was which at the grocery store that's why I used mayo. Using toast instead of a bagel cuts down on carbs, but make sure it's wheat with lots of grains so you get your fiber intake. Cucumbers and tomatoes should be lightly salted and peppered. Then, smoked salmon topped with fresh dill. The kiwi is cut in half so you can use a spoon to eat it. It cuts down on prep time. Very tasty and it will leave you satisfied until lunch time.
True Aptitude
I was watching short, documentary type, videos of different subcultures all over the world this morning. I'm a sociology student so of course this is interesting to me. If you are interested the link is: As I was surfing around this site I found this other site:,channelID:180160,hint_no_featured:1,order:MOST_POPULAR/0,3014270. It's super cool. Take some time to check out how people are reimagining the world.
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