Kiss it! I hit my head on the cabinets that never stay closed. Right on the corner. I think I concussed myself. All things heal in time, but if you kiss this picture it will at least make me feel better.
Moving on, I made my international Thanksgiving dinner. The students here were so excited. I made mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, corn, carrots, and peas. I bought rolls and, instead of a turkey, we had roasted chicken from the market. I don't know how we did it, but everything was hot when we sat down to eat. I gave one of my tear jerker speeches, and after dinner and dessert everyone played flip cup. There are pictures and videos on Facebook. It was a good evening.
Christmas is the next holiday I need to focus on. I was going with Teresa to her family's friends' house, but she just told me that it wasn't going to work. I'm going to see if there is someone else I can go with. I have to admit that I'm a little nervous. I'm going to keep my big girl pants on and my chin up. I'm sure that I can find someone to take me home with them. Who wouldn't want to have coffee with me on Christmas morning?
On a happier note, I am going to Paris and Barcelona! Plus, I'm almost out of money which means I can't do anything touristic there. I can only walk around, eat bread and cheese, and drink in the streets. Honestly, I never imagined that I would be going there this early in my life. Therefore, anything is better than nothing. Our hostel is near Monte Martre, or the artist district. We've had difficulty booking the train from Paris to Barcelona so we're a little concerned. We'll have to do it when we get there. I'll take lots of pictures of me looking cool and being awesome, and you all can tell me later that I look like I'm having a great time.
I'm one week shy of my third month coming to a close. I'm not dead and I'm mentally stable. I'm continuing to adjust and ignoring the fact that I'll have to readjust once I return. I look forward to all the correction of my forgotten language skills. Meanwhile, I have some scholarly articles that aren't going to read themselves. Don't forget to kiss the picture!
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