Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I am so tired...

...of living in Poland. It is 9 am and they are doing some serious construction in this building. Perhaps it would have been better to come 2 years from now when this place is top notch. Meanwhile, my roommate currently has wrapped her pillow around her face in an attempt to block out all the noise. I don't know what I'm going to do. What happens when I go home and there are no more sirens and construction noise? Will you promise to drill and bang like the best of the Polish people?

Seriously, I should be exhausted. I know you're thinking, "boo-hoo," but this lifestyle is no easy task. I have to party everyday. My friends need me. Is it fun? No, not really, but I am funny, and every party needs a funny woman. -Actually, it is kind of fun. I get a superfluous amount of attention seeing as no one has anything better to do. Plus, everyone is exceedingly nice.

I finished my paper, and by finished I mean I didn't write it. That's how easy it is. I thought, "GOD! I just want to be done." I checked my credits and it's ok. I am done. I have 6 credits more then I need even without the paper. It's amazing.

Tomorrow, I'm going to Budapest for one last trip before I board that beautiful plane. This is what your wonderful money has afforded me. I'm pretty sure that in the future I would never think, "You know, we should save our money and go to Budapest this year." So, thank you for this opportunity. I will continue to work toward a better blogging community. Oh! If you have a blog please don't hide it from me. I want to see it.

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